Spring Conference Exhibitors

Exhibitor Booth registration opens March 3rd, 2025! 

Please read through the exhibitor and sponsor registration details carefully. If you have questions about the tradeshow, exhibitor registration or sponsorships, please reach out to Ashley Sabins at asabins@leadingageindiana.org.

Exhibitor Pricing Information:

In order to receive the member rate and make your booth selection, your 2025 associate member dues must be paid.
• Member $800 (LeadingAge Indiana, INALA, IHPCO)
• Non-Member $950
• NOTE: Payment secures your booth purchase. We cannot guarantee your booth purchase if payment is not received by March 15, 2025, An opportunity to select your booth preference will be made available only after payment is received.

Exhibitor Registration Includes:

• One (1) six-foot skirted table in carpeted exhibit hall
• Two (2) folding chairs
• Two (2) booth representatives who each receive Thursday-only (May 1st) registrations (includes lunch ticket and networking reception)
• Access to attendee lists with contact information before, during and after the event
• Recognition in the Onsite Guide and Exhibitor Floor Plan App accessible to all attendees

Before You Register as an Exhibitor:

View the Exhibitor Floor Plan Map: As part of the registration process, exhibitors are asked to list their top five booth preferences after viewing the Exhibitor Floor Plan Map. Booths that are still available are in blue (Exhibit Hall Booths) or orange (Premier Foyer Booths). LAIN staff will assign booths based on preferences but reserve the right to move exhibitors as needed. The floor plan map is subject to change based on hotel venue requirements.

Plan for your Exhibitor Booth Representatives: You have the option to designate up to two booth attendees who each receive tickets to the May 1st lunch and the May 1st Networking Reception. Additional attendees may be added. If those additional attendees will be eating lunch or participating in the networking reception, you must purchase tickets for them. Changes to your booth representatives can be made up until April 24th.


Exhibitor Booth Types:

Premier Foyer Booths (20 Available)
• Exhibitors will have their booths on display throughout the day on Thursday May 1st from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m., including during the designated Trade Show from 11:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
• Booth set-up must take place on Wednesday, April 30th between 2-5 p.m. or the morning of Thursday, May 1st between 6:30 - 8 a.m.
• Booth tear-down must occur between 5- 9 p.m. on Thursday, May 1st.
• Premier and Enhanced Associate Members will have an opportunity to select these booths first upon membership renewal.

Exhibit Hall Booths (66 Available)
• Exhibitors will have their booths on display during the designated Trade Show Hours of 11:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
• Booth set-up must take place on Wednesday, April 30th between 2-5 p.m. or the morning of Thursday, May 1st between 6:30 - 11 a.m.
• Booth tear-down must occur between 2:45 – 4 p.m. on Thursday, May 1st.


Sponsorship Details

For detailed sponsor benefits, please visit our sponsorships page.


Terms and Conditions of Exhibiting and Sponsoring:

LeadingAge Indiana reserves the right to allocate space in such a manner as to produce a balanced show in order to enhance its appeal to attendees. Booths will be assigned on the basis of availability of space in the order received. All exhibits must be set up during the time allotted. No exhibitors may set up or take down their booths during official show hours. Upon the request of show management, exhibitors may be required to rearrange or limit their displays if equipment, tables, etc., cause congestion in the aisles or interfere with other exhibits or block aisles. Show management reserves the right to restrict the operation of or evict completely any exhibit, which, in its opinion, detracts from the general appearance of the exhibition as a whole. Exhibitors may not assign, sublet or apportion to others the whole or any part of the space allotted to them without the permission of show managers, and may not advertise or display goods or services other than those manufactured or sold by them in the regular course of doing business. By signature of this contract, the exhibitor also expressly holds LeadingAge Indiana harmless from any and all claims for any injury, loss or damage that may occur to the exhibitor while on the show site and agrees to secure liability insurance to cover such injuries, accidents and losses. In the event of a postponement or virtual conference, the payment will be applied to exhibit space for rescheduled dates.

Cancellation Policy
A $100 administration fee will be charged with the balance returned. No refunds or cancellations after Friday, April 18th.

Please contact Ashley Sabins at asabins@leadingageindiana.org with any questions related to the exhibit booth or sponsorship opportunities.


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